On 2 March 2012 08:41, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar  1 20:43, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> On 29 February 2012 12:46, Lemke, Michael  SZ/HZA-ZSW wrote:
>> > What is the mintty equivalent to rxvt/xterm's
>> >
>> > -si|+si
>> >              Turn on/off scroll-to-bottom on TTY output inhibit;
>> >              resource scrollTtyOutput has opposite effect.
>> There's no such option. Shift+End will get you back to the current
>> output after looking at something in the scrollback, as will any
>> keypress that sends something to the terminal.
> Any chance to implement this?  Automatic scroll-to-bottom is a useful
> feature, IMHO.

I disagree. The point of being able to scroll back to earlier output
is to read and perhaps copy something. When doing that, having the
scrollback jump back to the bottom without the user asking for it is
rather unhelpful. The Windows console does this, and I always found it
really frustrating.


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