On 3/2/2012 3:59 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar  1 17:44, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> Is there some workaround that could be used?
> Rebase pghook.dll.

Oh, well, yeah -- that would work if I were allowed to do so.  However,
remember "paranoid corporate IT policies"?  Avecto Privilege Guard is
actually a product that $MYCORP installed to allow them even
finer-grained controlled over "what I'm allowed to do with my office PC"
than traditional Windows domain security policies can manage. Including
such things as "interfering with Avecto Privilege Guard" by modifying
some of its DLLs...

>  Call "cmd /c cygcheck".

$ cmd /c cygcheck -cd cygwin
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version
cygwin               1.7.11-1

Yeah, that works. Thanks.

>> really trying to initialize and *use* cygwin1.dll facilities, is it? So,
>> perhaps cygwin1.dll/dcrt0 could ignore the fact that it has been
>> rebased, when dynamically loaded? (or perhaps, only when dynloaded by
>> some app named 'cygcheck.exe').
> That's kind of tricky.  When the DLL is loaded into the wrong address,
> then there are pointers in the processes startupinfo which potentially
> point into nirvana.  That affects any process.

Yeah, I can see that.  AFAIK, cygcheck is the only official tool that
dynloads cygwin1.dll, so it is likely that I will only ever see /this/
particular problem (cygwin1.dll/dcrt0.c issues mismatch warning after
cygwin1.dll is dynloaded by non-cygwin application) with cygcheck.

Looks like I'm going to alias cygcheck to 'cmd /c c:/cygwin/bin/cygcheck'...


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