On Wed, 2012-02-29 at 13:43 -0800, Matt Seitz (matseitz) wrote:
> Would it help to add "xinit" to the requirements for tcl-tk and other
> packages that now require an X11 server?
> I know that there are some use cases where "xinit" isn't actually
> required.  But would the benefit (fewer problem reports from new users)
> be worth the cost (installing "xinit" for some users who don't actually
> require it)?

Asking the same question in a dozen different ways won't change the

Using X requires user intervention to start an X server first.  No
amount of automatic dependencies will change this, and therefore I don't
expect that the number of questions would change one iota.

> In the case of packages that have both a console mode and an X11 mode,
> perhaps the package could be split into separate packages, as was done
> with "git", "git-gui", and "gitk"?

Can you provide examples of packages for which this isn't already the


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