On 27/02/2012 16:12, Paul Keir wrote:
> Thanks Dave, it's fixed. It looks like the problem was the cygwin1.dll
> in C:\Windows\SYSTEM. I have no idea why that was there. (I am not the
> first to use this machine.)

  Well, you may just find out when something else stops working - it's not
unknown for people to ship custom toolchains built on Cygwin that install the
DLL into the SYSTEM directory.  (In which case, put the DLL you found there
into the binaries dir alongside the tools involved.)

> As a precaution I have also removed
> C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\home\apps\gcc-4.7-20120128\bin from my PATH. I had
> built it with --program-suffix=-4.7, but the following potentially
> conflicting files remain there with their names untouched:
> cyggfortran-3.dll
> cygssp-0.dll
> cygstdc++-6.dll

  Although having them later in the path than the system versions in /usr/bin
should in theory make that safe, mixing DW2 and SJLJ is asking for trouble to
crop up somewhere down the line.


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