On Fri, 2012-02-24 at 14:43 -0800, Matt Seitz (matseitz) wrote:
> "Larry Hall (Cygwin)" wrote:
> > 
> > Nobody that doesn't need or want it has to install the X-Server.  If
> > one uses gitk though, one has now moved into the category of "need/want
> > the X-Server" if one wasn't already in that category. ;-)
> Well, they certainly will need/want AN X-Server.  But I thought
> Corrina's point was that in some cases that X-Server does not have to be
> the Cygwin xorg-server (could be a different local X-Server, or even a
> remote X-Server).
> My question is:  are there enough gitk users who would need/want the
> Cygwin xorg-server that it would be worth installing xorg-server by
> default when installing gitk, even though some gitk users may not
> actually need the Cygwin xorg-server?

Remember that using X requires some level of manual intervention, namely
that you have to *start* the server and set DISPLAY before actually
using it.  So installing xorg-server as a dependency isn't going to
prevent these questions one bit.


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