On 2/23/2012 12:35 PM, James Rome wrote:
I have code that launches Java from C to run a jar file, and creates a
socket to communicate between the calling program and the jar file. It
works in OS X, Linux, and MinGW on Windows, but not on Cygwin.

One can definitely spawn Java from C, but every JVM I know of
is a *Windows* application, which mean that it wants *Windows
paths*, not cygwin-style paths. You may find the cygpath
utility useful in scripts run under cygwin, to convert between
different styles of path.

Java, in particular, wants things like its classpath as a
*semicolon*-separate list of *Windows* path names. These
generally require suitable quoting if being used in scripts
or with bash, since bash interprets semicolcon as separating
bash commands, etc.

As for the particular errors, I am personally less familiar
with using cygrunsrv ...

Eliot Moss

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