2012/2/20 marco atzeri <marco.atz...@gmail.com>:
> On 2/19/2012 5:45 PM, KIMURA Masaru wrote:
>> Hmm..., could you mind to try test/run_regr.sh too?
>> I think you can see same error that I wrote my TODO.txt.
> how ?
> $ test/run_regr.sh all
>> analyze
>> elaborate
>> run
> I see no meaningful output, and the test time seems too short

well, only passing "all" to test/run_regr.sh means "analyze, elaborate
and run w/ no unit" atm.
but this is my bad, sorry for no explanation, could you mind to try
them after "make" on top dir?:

$ cd test
$ ./run_regr.sh analyze all
$ ./run_regr.sh elaborate all
$ ./run_regr.sh run all

note, test/run_regr.sh is WIP:

 * test/run_regr.sh should run in test dir.
   b/c it uses relative path to src/nvc.exe and lib/{std,ieee}.
 * if you'd like to check "make check" on top dir again, you should
remove test/work manually which is automatically created by
   b/c "make check" implicitly expected no test/work for library
functionalities test.

2nd, 3rd command shows you some internal command and log, it looks OK
to me. but I guess 4th command shows you LLVM ERROR like this:

> run
>> run agg1
NVC_LIBPATH=../lib/std:../lib/ieee ../src/nvc -r agg1
LLVM ERROR: Program used external function '_array_copy' which could
not be resolved!
[you can see more internal command and log w/ LLVM ERROR here.]

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