Le 12/02/2012 17:33, ArcFi a écrit :
PROGRAMFILES variable is not set during openssh session.
This is very important for remote administrative tasks.

admin@srv06 ~
SRV06,C:\Program Files,C:\Documents and Settings\admin,C:

admin@srv06 ~
admin@localhost's password:

around february 19 2011, there was a discussion about to limit ssh environment variables not including some windows ones !

since then, I use the attached script in /etc/profile.d to set the missing ones at connection time...

you may comment the lines containing SECONDS.

it's based on Kurt Franke's similar script in the idea.

PS : Corinna, maybe this may be made a FAQ ?

Cyrille Lefevre

Attachment: ssh-session-env.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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