On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:00:07AM -0700, Harry G McGavran Jr wrote:
> The calls to locale and tzset in profile.d still are not fully
> qualified. I always thought fully qualified paths were appropriate
> for system wide scripts since one cannot depend on PATH being
> set up correctly.  In any case, both with the previous release
> of base-files and this one, if you does something like
> C:\cygwin\bin\mintty -u -
> In a shortcut, the /bin isn't in PATH so the calls to locale
> and tzset fail.  make those calls "/bin/locale" and "/bin/tzset"
> (fully qualified) fixes that problem and eliminates the need
> for PATH to be relied upon in system wide scripts.
> Harry G. McGavran, Jr.

Thanks for reporting. Should be fixed in next release.

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