On Feb 10 19:46, Ti Strga wrote:
> Hi.
> Earlier today I was updating my cygwin installation (WinXP, cygwin 1.7
> as of a couple weeks ago) when the computer suddenly rebooted.
> Because there were so other things running at the time I assumed it
> was just bad mojo, but after doing things slow and methodical-like, I
> narrowed it down to a cygwin setup.exe postinstall step.  It's 100%
> reproducible -- but I don't know which package is triggering it (as
You can probably find out by running the scripts in /etc/postinstall,
those which are not renamed to *.done, one at a time.

However, Cygwin is only user-space stuff.  If there's no explicit reboot
call in a postinstall script (which I doubt), then you're suffering some
more serious problem which is just accidentally triggered by an action
in the script.  Note that the Cygwin DLL has no builtin code which would
reboot the machine.  The only package which can do that is the shutdown
package, and that one has no postinstall script.


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