On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:22 AM, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> I can reproduce.
> On my system (2012-02-07 snapshot instrumented), the following is able
> to exercise the fork failure any time.
> I do this from within a dedicated directory named "stc".
> Current shell seems indifferent. Here it is /bin/tcsh and
> i've tried with /bin/bash with the same result.
> % cat doit1
> #!/usr/bin/tcsh -f
> setenv PATH "/usr/bin"
> cp /usr/bin/cyggcc_s-1.dll .
> ls
> rm cyggcc_s-1.dll
> %
This is not going to work, period.  When you copy a DLL to the working
directory it will be that DLL that is used instead of the previously
loaded DLL.  It is the way the DLL search order works.  You'll see
failures and perhaps even lock up your OS.  Try this with the CYGWIN
DLL and you'll not be able to ls or rm.

> Hope this helps.


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