On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:46 AM, marco atzeri wrote:
> On 2/1/2012 2:22 PM, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:05 AM, marco atzeri wrote:
>>> On 2/1/2012 1:38 PM, Timothy Makobu wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>> on this mailing list we do NOT top post and we don't feed spammer with
>>> e-mail adress of the others.
>> The one think I dislike about GMAIL is the fact that I can't change
>> the quote tag.  I have to remember to go remove email addresses before
>> hitting send and I don't always remember.
> for mailing list on gmail  I use a serious mail reader (thunderbird)
> and not the web interface that in IMHO is a waste of time

I have used various clients including thunderbird and each has its
good and bad features and every user of a client has their views about
each client.  I started using GMail because I was in the process of
moving hosts where I normally receive mail and didn't want to miss the
list mail.  However, I've learned to appreciate the mail client GMail
gives and I especially like its SPAM filtering.  I've seen a few
misses both positive and negative but only a very few.

-- https://sites.google.com/site/earnieboyd

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