I've tried to build Guile 1.8.8 myself. ./configure ran without
noticeable errors and make executed as well, however during the build
there were several warnings like the following:
> *** Warning: This system can not link to static lib archive <some-lib>> *** I 
> have the capability to make that library automatically link in when> ...
Where <some-lib> is readline, ltdl, et cetera—the ones Guile depends
on. I'm not exactly sure, because I forget to save the log, but there
were similar warnings about shared libraries too. I think Guile's
package maintainer could only compile the exact same way I did ...
I know jack about static / shared libraries, so I haven't got the
faintest idea how to solve this. If anyone has a not too painful idea,
please share it. Thanks!
On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Róbert Kohányi
<kohanyi.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just in case I've re-installed Cygwin from another repository, but the
> problem's still present.
> Readline is downloaded, I can re-install it, keep it, et cetera. It
> seems to me that Guile was compiled without the readline support
> enabled, as the error says: "readline is not provided in this Guile
> installation". I can live with that, but as Guile is a managed package
> I'm reluctant to build it myself. Furthermore there has to be reason
> why the feature is disabled (if it *is* disabled purposely).
> Thanks for the input though!
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Richard Troy <rt...@sciencetools.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Dec 2011, [UTF-8] Róbert Kohányi wrote:
>>> Subject: GNU Guile 1.8.7 - readline is not provided
>>> Using a fresh installation of Cygwin with GNU Guile (during the
>>> install process I've only selected this latter package explicitly)
>>> I've tried to use Guile's readline support[1] unsuccessfully.
>>> As the documentation told me to, I've created a configuration file
>>> (.guile) in my home directory and started Guile, but it raised an
>>> error (guile.out) and I don't understand why.
>>> I've searched the mailing lists and found a previous release
>>> announcement[2] where the package maintainer said that the readline
>>> support is "OK" (although it was a previous release of Guile -- 1.5.x)
>>> and listed the required libraries for it to work. During the install
>>> all of these libraries were installed by setup.exe transitively
>>> (cygcheck.out).
>>> Is this a bug in the release or readline support is omitted from
>>> Guile's Cygwin version on purpose?
>>> If the latter holds it would be nice to know: "why?". Can't Guile be
>>> build with this feature enabled?
>>> Regards,
>>> Robert
>> Hi Robert,
>> I had a similar problem recently. I don't know if what you are
>> experiencing is the same or not, but it probably is: Incomplete download
>> and a (to my mind) broken dependency engine. Readline is fundamental, but
>> when it was missing from my download - how, I have NO idea - none of the
>> concluding scripts that are supposed to run after an installation
>> completes actually ran.
>> The solution was easy enough; Do the download part again, and explicitly
>> include readline. Note that this mechanism of reloading also easily
>> verified that that was in fact the problem because it didn't show up in
>> the list of packages to possibly upgrade, delete, or whathaveyou. Merely
>> pointing to a different repository solved the problem.
>> I don't understand how the dependency engine lets this happen, but it
>> does.
>> Good luck,
>> Richard
>> --
>> Richard Troy, Chief Scientist
>> Science Tools Corporation
>> rt...@sciencetools.com, http://ScienceTools.com/

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