On 2011-12-27, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:

> When you try perform communication through HTTPS you get warning:
>   cygwin#  hg identify https://bitbucket.org/django/django
>   warning: bitbucket.org certificate with fingerprint
> 81:2b:08:90:dc:d3:71:ee:e0:7c:b4:75:ce:9b:6c:48:94:56:a1:fe not verified
> (check hostfingerprints or web.cacerts config setting)

Official description of this issue available at:


>From there:

  Mercurial has improved its HTTPS support in the 1.7.x series. When
  connecting to an HTTPS server, it will now verify the server's certificate
  correctly and reject the connection if the server identity can't be
  confirmed - but only if Certification Authorities (CAs) have been
  configured. As of 1.7.3, Mercurial will warn if CAs haven't been configured.

Best regards!

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