Hi all,

Notwithstanding the completely preposterous "reply" by Eric Blake (more of
an idiotic acrimony, actually) to my previous post (see
http://old.nabble.com/Igncr-ineffective--tt32983438.html ), there does seem
to be a problem in dealing with Win's CR/LF line endings in "unusual" lines,
at least on Win7-64 (or, to be really precise, on my Win7-64).
The lines where CR/LFs appear not to be properly converted to LFs seem to be
empty lines (except for the CR/LF, of course), as well as some other
"unusual" constructs (lines ending with ";;CR/LF" in particular).

To work around the problem, I'm writing an application that would convert
all CR/LF-ending text files into LF-ending ones... but it's not really
trivial, because telling binary files that should be left untouched from
text files that should be converted is difficult: even the very first file
in GDB's sources ("configure") contains a '\a', i.e. a "not-text" byte.

I don't think that believing that anybody who knows anything beyond
Unix/Linux must surely be an idiot (as Blake seems to suggest) is
constructive - after all, we all strive to produce applications that would
make a difference, whatever the platform.
Cygwin is a beautiful piece of work, no doubt about it... but believing it's
bug-free just because it's inspired by Unix/Linux is counter-productive at
best, and preposterous at worst.

So, to get back to the real subject: is there a correction to be had to the
CR/LF problem?

Many thanks,


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