On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Andrew DeFaria <and...@defaria.com> wrote:
> On 12/15/2011 07:40 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>> I'm having difficulty seeing how what you have described could work unless
>> the consumers of these files are looking for symlinks only, which your
>> example above contradicts.  And both of the ".bashrc" files are registering
>> as plain files, so I think you're right that the file system on which they
>> reside is coming into play, assuming the output above is from Cygwin's 'ls'.
>>  But even if you had ".bashrc" and ".bashrc.lnk" with the former being a
>> UNIX-form of symlink and the latter being the Cygwin one, I'd still expect
>> Cygwin to recognize ".bashrc" first and only go looking for the .lnk version
>> if it couldn't find that.
> I would think that Cygwin should see the .lnk version first. No? I guess
> not. I thought it worked that way before.

This would be a performance disaster - forcing a check for 'x.lnk'
every time the software tried to access file 'x'.  I doubt that it
worked that way before.

>> The output of strace may convince you of that as well. ;-)  It might
>> actually work as you describe it though if
>> you can get Cygwin to think that it can't open the former.  I could see
>> that being the case if the UNIX symlink was created by a user ID Cygwin
>> didn't recognize, for example.
> I've backed off to using hardlinks which work on both systems but it doesn't
> work for directories.
> --
> Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
> Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.
> --
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