On 12/13/2011 8:41 AM, Stitchz wrote:

Is it possible to have a mpif90 command (mpi fortran 90 compiler) working
under cygwin? I've tried to download several packages (open mpi, mpich2,
...) but the configure scripts always fail.
OpenMPI list indicated recently that cygwin support is a work in progress. I recall it depending on mingw cross compilation, but I may be wrong. mpich2 is pre-packaged, and works in a Visual Studio framework, as does current OpenMPI.

Since a fresh install of cygwin includes the mpif77 command (even though it
just points to a missing ifort.exe in the path), should mean that it SHOULD
be able to work...

This doesn't make sense, nor to I see any evidence of it. When ifort is supported, it's by an mpiifort wrapper, so as to avoid confusion with gfortran. This would be a cross compilation, not using cygwin facilities, and would not be supported specifically by anyone, as far as I know.

Tim Prince

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