On 09/12/2011 5:58 AM, Denis Excoffier wrote:
I use the latest packages and cygwin snapshots. The problem described
below began several snapshots in the past, around beginning of December.

The following program, with static allocation of a reasonable amount
of data, segfaults, maybe in alloca(). With a smaller size
(eg 10000) it's ok. With new/malloc (even with 100 times more) it's
ok. With C or C++. 100% reproducible.
   unsigned int const SIZE = 689471;
   int foo[SIZE];
Reasonable? You're trying to stack-allocate 2.5MB of data. Don't do that -- stack sizes are 2MB or less in most operating systems. Besides, doing anything useful with a buffer that size would completely drown out the overhead of calling malloc.


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