On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 02:50:35PM -0700, Dave wrote:
>Jon:? Thanks for the?pointers to the fork() problem faqs.? That and a bit of 
>googling led?me to give rebaseall a try, and
>that appears to have cured my issue.? (For others, instructions can be found at
>Suggestion, perhaps more to the main cygwin team:? Since this issue is cygwin 
>specific and?is a bit obscure (I've
>been using cygwin for a good many years, but this is the first time I've 
>recognized I had issues from this), it'd be nice
>if users didn't have to learn about this the hard way.? Could 
>running?rebaseall perhaps be automated as part of setup.com?

With all of your googling you didn't come up with any previous
discussions about doing this in setup.exe?

How odd.


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