31.10.2011 19:48, Jim Garrison пишет:
I need to create a "standard" Cygwin setup for a group of developers, containing the defaults plus a customized selection of additional non- default packages to be installed (ssh, vim, etc, about 70 total).
$ cat setup.bat @echo off setup.exe --local-install --package-manager --quiet-mode --packages ^ autoconf,^ automake,^ bash-completion,^ bison,^ bzr,^ curl,^ cvs,^ diffutils,^ doxygen,^ expect,^ flex,^ gcc,^ gcc-mingw,^ gcc4,^ gdb,^ git,^ git-completion,^ git-svn,^ make,^ mc,^ mercurial,^ openssh,^ openssl,^ perl,^ python,^ ruby,^ screen,^ subversion,^ unzip,^ vim,^ wget,^ zsh and so on...
I have set up a local repository, on a network share, containing all the packages that need to be installed. I find however, that there's no simple way to have setup.exe just install everything in the local repository. Each user has to go through the setup menu and individually select all non-default packages, or they will not be installed. The ultimate goal is to provide a batch script that runs setup.exe and installs a pre-defined set of packages, either from a local repository or from the Internet. Ideally it runs headless but having to click through the install dialogs is acceptable as long as the desired non- default packages are selected without the user having to manually select each one. Is there anything in the local repository I can tweak to change the install status of non-default packages so they will be installed? As far as I can tell, the only way to do this currently is to explicitly list all the packages on the command line with the -P option. Is this the only way? Any suggestions on how to best accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
see above... and: $ ./setup.exe --help Starting cygwin install, version 2.738 Current Directory: h:\cygwin Command Line Options: -D --download Download from internet -L --local-install Install from local directory -s --site Download site -O --only-site Ignore all sites except for -s -R --root Root installation directory -P --packages Specify packages to install -C --categories Specify entire categories to install -p --proxy HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port) -q --quiet-mode Unattended setup mode -M --package-manager Semi-attended chooser-only mode -h --help print help -l --local-package-dir Local package directory -r --no-replaceonreboot Disable replacing in-use files on next reboot. -X --no-verify Don't verify setup.ini signatures -n --no-shortcuts Disable creation of desktop and start menu shortcuts -N --no-startmenu Disable creation of start menu shortcut -d --no-desktop Disable creation of desktop shortcut -K --pubkey Path to extra public key file (gpg format) -S --sexpr-pubkey Extra public key in s-expr format -u --untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys -U --keep-untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys and retain all -A --disable-buggy-antivirus Disable known or suspected buggy anti virus software packages during execution. -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple