28.10.2011 0:32, Paul Allen Newell пишет:
On 10/27/2011 7:18 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
Is there some reason why you wouldn't just use cygcheck for this?

Chris: I didn't know about cygcheck and had blinders on during my search
as I was looking for a data file rather than a utility. Just read the
docs, test drove it per docs, and its definitely better than what I was
originally looking for. Thanks!

  $ cygcheck -c
Cygwin Package Information
Package                   Version              Status
_update-info-dir          00989-1              OK
alternatives              1.3.30c-10           OK
aspell                    0.60.5-1             OK
aspell-doc                0.60.5-1             OK
......                   .......        ........

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