On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Marco Atzeri <marco.atz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> no experience on GHC and looking at the source, I am sure you need
> to cut through the source tree.
> Look also the aclocal.m4 ont only configure.ac


> I noticed also wrong/obsolete assumption around the code
> libraries/base/GHC/ConsoleHandler.hs:--  * Cygwin shells with @CYGWIN=tty@

Things like that are strewn throughout the code. My approach this time
is going to be any if or case or #ifdef that checks cygwin or mingw or
msys or win32 etc. gets expunged. What I'm really wondering is are
there any CPP flags or autotools settings that I need to _not_ expunge
for purposes of signals, timing, networking, or getting the right


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