Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

>> IIRC, that discussion occurred before the 'locale' application (was
>> written|got smarter).  Sure, I think C.UTF-8 should be the "default
>> default" but the arguments in favor of respecting the users' own Windows
>> i18n settings make sense.

> Does it?  Even if I'm running a german OS, I absolutely hate to see
> german diagnostic output from gcc, and I absolutely hate certain
> programs using non-ASCII chars in output.  (In)famous examples are
> Unicode quoting chars rather than ' or ", or using the Unicode hyphen
> character rather than -.  But that's just me.

Not just you.
We have a team of a developer from greece, a co-developer and tester from
Sweden, former project leader and consultant from USA and a number of
assistants from different other countries.
Indeed, we communicate project details and error reports in English...
Any other language would be inappropriate...

Andrey Repin ( 06.10.2011, <05:21>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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