On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 09:19 +0200, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> I have uploaded the new Cygwin packages from this morning (many of
> them, in particular many more than those announced by Yaakov).

There were announcements on cygwin-xfree-announce as well, and the
X11R7.6 announcement covered over 260 packages (as mentioned therein).

> After that, my Cygwin/X server loads only briefly and then stops. Then
> xinit quits (after a few seconds).
> With a little testing with /usr/bin/Xfake, i finally reinstalled
> the previous libGL1 and all seems to work perfectly now (however,
> xterm -C does not work anymore but this is another question).

The latest releases of cygwin, libgcc1, libstdc++6, libGL1, xorg-server,
and the X libraries are required; mixing older releases is not
supported.  If you still encounter difficulties, please follow ALL the
directions here:



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