On 9/26/2011 3:03 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-09-25 at 19:20 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 25/09/2011 18:41, jojelino wrote:
>>> The problem is from pango/opentype/libharfbuzz.la
>>> It has .cc source and recognized as needed c++ source file although it
>>> is c source. and cc source is compiled with --tag=CXX
>>> we should teach libtool cc is c source file.
>>   Or upstream should add an explicit --tag=CC, or rename the file extension.
>> Good catch, that certainly ties in with what that link I found was saying.
> The .cc file is a C++ source file.

IMO, the real problem here is libtool's insistence on linking with ld,
rather than using the language driver to link.  This is what causes
libtool to try to determine the pre/post dep libraries and objects that
the driver would implicitly use, and to list them in .la files.

There's general support on the libtool list for modifying libtool
behavior, at least for CC=gcc and LD=gnu ld, to change this behavior so
that pre/post deps are no longer computed, and the language driver is
used to link.  That is a major behavioral change, and would require a
lot of review and platform testing.  So far nobody -- including me --
has had time to pursue it.

If somebody is looking for a project...


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