I submitted a later post where I found that the problem occurs when the VM networking mode is NAT. Okay with bridged. I've submitted a support request to VMware. John.

On 8/15/11 12:56 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 8/13/2011 5:00 PM, John Dzielski wrote:
I have cygwin installed on a VMWare VM running Windows 7 on a Mac running OSX 10.6. I am unable to get name resolution to work with ssh. The command ssh X returns the error "ssh: could not resolve hostname X: Non-recoverable
failure in name resolution." The command nslookup X returns a valid IP
address. I found the link below, and several others that reference the
problem, but no solution. Is there a solution to this problem?

I do not have this problem with machines running XP either on VMs or
natively. I've created a partial workaround in my .bashrc file that creates variables containing the IP addresses of the names I need to resolve. This
solution doesn't work with svn working copies if the repository has a
dynamic address because the IP address of the repository at checkout will be coded in the .svn/entries file. If the IP address of the svn server changes
I'm won't be able to perform svn operations.

Have you talked to the VMWare folks about this?  It does seem like an
odd issue that only affects name resolution on VMware with Win7.

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