Larry: Thanks for your reply. :)
What I'm trying to do is implement an ActiveX scripting engine for Ruby. I'd prefer to do it in Cygwin gcc since not everybody had the MS compiler. There other other capabilities that are implied: Compiling IDL files, linking to COM libraries, and ATL support. Something tells me that most folks who want to implement COM servers just bite the bullet and use the MS compiler, though. Then I'd have to compile Ruby itself in VCPP, and a MS-compiled version of Ruby would be mandatory to use my extension. I was hoping to avoid that. - Bob %% -----Original Message----- %% From: Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) [mailto:lhall@;] %% Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 1:23 PM %% To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] %% Subject: Re: COM Servers %% %% %% At 11:38 AM 10/25/2002, Bob Calco wrote: %% >Anyone: %% > %% >I've looked for information about building COM servers with %% Cygwin but a.) %% >the archive search tool crapped out on me when I attempted a %% search, and b.) %% >question doesn't appear on the FAQ list. %% %% %% Feel free to use google and point it at if you have %% problems with %% the Cygwin site's search engine. This question only come up %% once in a blue %% moon so it doesn't really qualify as an FAQ. It is in the email %% archives %% though. %% %% %% >So: Is it possible to build COM Servers using Cygwin? If so, %% are there any %% >tutorials or pointers to information about this? %% %% %% %% There's nothing that prevents you from working with COM. It's the same %% as working with COM with the native Windows port of gcc. Turns out that %% COM is a very difficult thing to search for and get useful %% information about, %% since the acronym is so common (every email message contains %% ".com" so just %% searching for that gets you everything! ;-) ) Sorry, I don't %% have specific %% suggestions for you here other than to note that the general subject has %% been discussed before on the email list and that it should be %% possible to %% COM using gcc and Cygwin. There's probably some newsgroup or other %% forum out there that discusses gcc and COM too, if you feel like poking %% around looking for it. %% %% Good luck, %% %% %% %% Larry Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] %% RFK Partners, Inc. %% 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office %% Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 893-9889 - FAX %% %% -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: