On Jun 30 07:30, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> > From: Corinna Vinschen
> > Works fine for me.  If I'm admin, writing works, if I'm not admin,
> > writing fails with permission denied.  Could you please send your
> > cygcheck output per http://cygwin.com/problems.html as well as an
> > strace which shows what happens, like this:
> > 
> >   $ strace -o vim.trace vim-nox /etc/hosts
> >   :wq!
> FWIW, I see the same problem as the OP. The strace command interferes
> with vim so that it won't recognize ESC to allow the ":" to be
> recognized, so I can't ":wq!" as requested. strace output nevertheless
> attached as is cygcheck -svr output.

You strace shows nothing, it just stops at one point.  Are you running
from a console or from mintty?  When running in a console in default
notty mode, :w! or :wq! works fine.  Can you try again?  Perhaps with
other strace flags?

  strace -o vim.trace -m 0xffff vim-nox /etc/hosts


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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