On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Andrew Hancock <andymhanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a 32-bit XP Pro machine with an old cygwin installation (DLL
> version 1.5.25).  In the past, started Setup on a machine on which
> cygwin was already installed an created a package directory on CD with
> the same packages as the installation.  I can then install the same
> packages on another 32-bit XP Pro machine.  I was going to do the
> same, but with the target computer being a 64-bit Windows 7 Pro
> computer.  From my surfing, I don't expect the 64-bit to present a
> problem.  What about the fact that the source and destination
> computers are different OS's?  Can some of the downloaded files be
> specific an OS?

Well, it looks like it became a moot point.  I ran into the legendary
error "Can't open (null) for reading: No such file".  So I ended up
picking and choosing packages from the full buffet of packages again.
As it turned out, this was the better way.  Lots of stuff I don't use

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