I ssh from my Cygwin box to a Linux machine (happens with Solaris machines too) and I can run X applications back to Cygwin/X without a problem. However, after a few minutes something happens to the tunnel and I can no longer put up any X windows:

$ cat checks.sh
while true; do
  xclock &
  sleep 2
  killall xclock
  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo Cannot talk to X Server anymore
    sleep 60
$ checkx.sh
Tue May 24 09:48:43 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 10927 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:49:45 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 11393 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:50:47 PDT 2011
b./checkx.sh: line 12: 11592 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:51:49 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 11782 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:52:51 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 11977 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:53:53 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 12161 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:54:55 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 12345 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:55:57 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 12534 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:56:59 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 12723 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:58:01 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 12912 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 09:59:03 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 13142 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:00:05 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 13345 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:01:07 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 13578 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:02:09 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 13843 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:03:11 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 14074 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:04:13 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 14260 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:05:16 PDT 2011
./checkx.sh: line 12: 14455 Terminated              xclock
Tue May 24 10:06:18 PDT 2011
X connection to localhost:15.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
xclock: no process killed
Cannot talk to X Server anymore

After this I cannot re-establish an X connection until I exit the ssh session and ssh back in again. Any ideas?

(I'm gonna post this to both Cygwin and Cygwin-X as I'm not sure if this is a problem with ssh or a problem with X).
<a href="http://defaria.com";>Andrew DeFaria</a><br>
<small><font color="#999999">If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?</font></small>

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