On 05/02/2011 10:04 AM, Thrall, Bryan wrote:
> AFAIK, I am not using bash-completion; the package is installed, but I don't 
> source /etc/bash_completion in my ~/.bashrc.

You don't have to manually source it in ~/.bashrc - these days, merely
installing bash-completion adds /etc/profile.d/bash_completion, which is
automatically sourced for all interactive bash shells.

>> $ set -vx
>> $ pushd ~/myuserdrv/My\ Down[TAB]
>> might give me some insight where to look at plugging the leak?
> I don't think there's much help there, unfortunately:
> thrall@pc1163-8413-xp ~
> $ set -vx
> settitle
> ++ settitle
> ++ echo -ne '\033]0;bash\007'
> thrall@pc1163-8413-xp ~
> $ pushd ~/myuserdrv/My\ Downcygwin warning:

Well, it _does_ help.  'complete -p pushd' shows 'complete -d pushd',
which is the setting installed by bash-completion.  But the pushd
default completions mean that the problem is in bash itself, not in
bash-completion.  So it gives me somewhere further to look.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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