On 4/8/2011 9:18 AM, Marc Girod wrote:
> Andy Koppe wrote:
> >
> > You should use the cygpath utility to translate Cygwin paths to
> > Windows paths, rather than just changing slashes and prefixing with
> > C:\cygwin. Apart from everything else, Cygwin might be installed
> > somewhere other than C:\cygwin.
> >
> I cope for that last problem with df already.
> The reason I didn't use cygpath so far is that I need more flexibility...
> I'll have some paths which don't exist (yet) or only under a ClearCase 
> view,
> even if they are reported 'bare'; or with a prefix.

cygpath should work for a non-existing path.

Ilya Bobyr

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