On 4/8/2011 11:06 AM, Gary wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:
On 4/7/2011 3:26 AM, Gary wrote:
If I start emacs using<<emacsclient -t --alternate-editor="">> and
emacs session uses gnutls, then after quitting emacs (or rather,
emacsclient - the emacs-nox process is, and should be, still running),
and then typing<<exit>> the mintty window fails to close. Stopping the
emacs-nox process achieves nothing, but stopping the gnutls-cli
results in the mintty window closing correct. The bash process ends in
any case.
Since stopping emacs achieves nothing, I wonder if this has anything to
do with emacs.
I think it must be. I had the same problem at home, and noticed gnu-tls
wasn't involved but openssl was (in the same was as gnu-tls,
above). openssl was, as with gnu-tls, started via emacs.
Whatever process emacs started, I still have the same questions as in my
original reply. (a) What happens if you start the process on the
command line instead of via emacs? (b) Are you sure that what you're
seeing is not the expected behavior?
Part of my problem in trying to help is that you haven't said exactly
what you're doing, except that your emacs session used gnutls in one
case and that openssl was involved in the other. Can you give a
detailed list of steps that someone might try to reproduce?
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