On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 01:50:40PM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
>On 3/24/2011 1:13 PM, Bob wrote:
>> Eric Blake<eblake<at>  redhat.com>  writes:
>>> On 03/15/2011 06:40 PM, Kevin Layer wrote:
>>>> Anyone else seen this?
>>>> hobart$ git reset --hard a000933
>>>>        5 [main] git 2832 C:\cygwin\bin\git.exe: *** fatal error - could not
>> load
>>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll, Win32 error 487
>>> Yes.  Multiple people.  And it's already fixed in the latest snapshot.
>> I hate to ask dumb questions, but where do I get the "latest snapshot", and
>> what is the version number?
>It's not dumb; it's just frequently asked:
>   http://www.cygwin.com/faq-nochunks.html#faq.setup.snapshots
There are two other ways you could find the answer to that question.

1) Type "cygwin snapshot" in google - it's the first hit.

2) Go to http://cygwin.com/ and look for the word "snapshot".

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