Hi everyone,

I have a minor issue with the /etc/profile file in base files.

I fixed it a while back but the changes over the last few days broke it again 
(which made me remember I had done it, which then made me tell you :-).

I still use KSH (generally pdksh) and there is a problem with how this file is 
setting PS1. 
Basically, the escapes aren't working right (in XWindows at the very least).

So I have now changed it to say: 
  case "${KSH_VERSION}" in
    PS1=$(print '^[]0;${PWD}\n^[[32m${USER}@${HOSTNAME} 
^[[33m${PWD/${HOME}/~}^[[0m\n$ ')
  *PD*KSH* )
    PS1=$(print '^[]0;${PWD}\n^[[32m${USER}@${HOSTNAME} ^[[33m${PWD}^[[0m\n$ ')
Please note, ^[ means I have done CTRL-V + ESC.
Also, MKSH and PDKSH need different settings, as PDKSH doesn't seem to have the 
${name/pattern/replacement} syntax.

Thanks for all the work on this, CYGWIN is an excellent tool!


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