After update to newest  packages version I get:

$ hg convert http://...
3 [main] python 540 C:\opt\cygwin\bin\python.exe: *** fatal error - unable to remap C:\opt\cygwin\bin\cygaprutil-1-0.dll to same address as parent: 0x187B0000 != 0x6E9F0000
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00228438  6102792B  (00228438, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
00228728  6102792B  (6117DC60, 00008000, 00000000, 6117F977)
00229758  61004F3B  (611A6FAC, 61248C0C, 187B0000, 6E9F0000)
End of stack trace

To resolve this issue I try run in cmd ==> ash:

  $ rebaseall
$ rebaseall
/usr/lib/cygicudata.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygicui18n.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygicuio.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygicule.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygiculx.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygicutu.dll: skipped because nonexistent
/usr/lib/cygicuuc.dll: skipped because nonexistent
FixImage (/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll) failed
 with last error = 13

Searching in Google take first link:

which recommend:

To get past this, I edited /bin/rebaseall, and added the following code to the other filters
   on  line 110:

    * -e '/\/sys-root\/mingw\/bin/d'

So I edit this line to

sed -e '\=/sys-root/mingw/bin=d' -e '\=cygwin1\.dll$=d' -e '\=cyglsa.*\.dll$=d' -e 's=^=/=' >"$TmpFile"

and 'rebaseall' complete and 'hg conver' success.

May be this fix include to 'rebaseall' utility?

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