On 3/8/2011 2:14 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
> I'm trying to build biber (http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/) for
> Cygwin.  It is written in Perl.  The documentation says to start by
> running `perl Build.PL' in order to make sure that I have all the
> required modules.  This fails as follows:
> $ perl Build.PL
> Operation "bool": no method found, argument in overloaded package
> version at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10/Module/Build/Base.pm line 1568.
> Line 1568 of Base.pm is
>   return $^V ? $self->perl_version_to_float(sprintf "%vd", $^V) : $];
> I know practically nothing about Perl, but I was hoping I could still
> build biber by following instructions.  I would appreciate any hints as
> to how to track down the problem.  I'm attaching Build.PL as well as
> cygcheck output.
> Ken

I had similar bizarre error messages related to $^V, specifically the
construct sprintf "%vd", $^V, in my case related to CPAN::Reporter for
doing test reports from cpan shell.

This is something related to the $^V being a version.pm object, as it is
in new perls, but the version class not being available for some reason,
hence perl trying to call nonexistant overloaded methods.

Reini, what do you think?

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