Just for completeness...

Today, while upgrading my TeXLive installation, I got

$ tlmgr update --all

... a lot of similar failure ...
`pdftex -ini  -jobname=physe -progname=physe physe.ini' failed
`pdftex -ini  -jobname=phyzzx -progname=phyzzx physe.ini' failed
`pdftex -ini -jobname=texsis -progname=texsis -translate-file=cp227.tcx texsis.
ini' failed
`pdftex -ini  -jobname=xmltex -progname=xmltex *xmltex.ini' failed
`pdftex -ini  -jobname=pdfxmltex -progname=pdfxmltex *pdfxmltex.ini' failed

running fmtutil-sys --byfmt mf ...
done running fmtutil-sys --byfmt mf.
tlmgr: exiting unsuccessfully (status 1).

So I tried, manually:

$ pdftex -ini  -jobname=pdfxmltex -progname=pdfxmltex *pdfxmltex.ini
2 [main] pdftex 1372 C:\cygwin-2\usr\local\texlive\bin\custom\pdftex.exe: *** fatal error - could not load C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll, Win32 error 487
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022B5F4  6102792B  (0022B5F4, 00000000, 00000000, 00000001)
0022B8E4  6102792B  (6117DC60, 00008000, 00000000, 6117F977)
0022C914  61004F3B  (6117F101, 0022C940, 0022C968, 0022C978)
0022CB74  6100176E  (610EECC1, 0022CBA0, FFFFF000, 00F10000)
0022CBB8  6115DE2C  (6123D0E0, 00000004, 0022CC08, 00B80000)
0022CBE8  610EF04E  (0022CC00, 00000000, 00000000, 6120D698)
0022CC08  610C2C45  (005FFE64, 006393C0, 00000003, 00000022)
0022CCD8  00402004  (00B71B04, 00573EC0, 00000048, 0047D712)
0022CD28  00413C8D  (00000005, 61243484, 0022CD58, 0022D000)
0022CD48  0047D748  (61244B27, 00000000, 0022CD88, 61007048)
0022CD88  61007048  (00000000, 0022CDC4, 61006990, 7FFDD000)
End of stack trace

This occurs with 1.7.8.


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