On 28 February 2011 19:52, Matthias Andree wrote:
> Am 28.02.2011 20:31, schrieb Olivier Lefevre:
>> Yes but no danger here: it dies right away with an error popup that
>> says "The program entry point [I am translating from the german; I
>> might be a little off] "__ctype_ptr__" was not found in cygwin1.dll"
>> Looks like it was wrongly linked or compiled. Or maybe there's a
>> mismatch between what it was complied against and my own Cygwin? I
> No, instead, it was wrongly installed by yourself.
>> only just installed Unison but I haven't updated anything else, least
>> of all Cygwin base (which has gone wrong for me in the past), in many
>> months.
> Which is the problem: the unison command was compiled against a newer
> cygwin1.dll than yours.

To be fair, setup.exe ought to be able to resolve or warn about such
version dependencies. Unfortunately the infrastructure for that isn't
in place, as it would require version requirements to be expressed in
packages' setup.hint files (rather than in their READMEs, as they are
at the moment).


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