> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:16:11 +0100
> From: corinna
> Subject: Re: Please test latest developer snapshot
> On Feb 24 09:56, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> > On 17 February 2011 07:04, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > > Apart from your testing and our fixing of obvious bugs, the other item
> > > holding up the release of Cygwin 1.7.8 is the imminent release of
> > > Service Pack 1 for Windows 7. It seems unwise to release a new Cygwin
> > > package just minutes before a Service Pack comes out. Given the latest
> > > experience that even monthly fixes can come with a nice, hidden gift, I
> > > rather wait for a couple of days and test with SP1 first.
> >
> > Just a heads up, I've been testing the latest snapshot on Win7SP1 x64
> > and have not encountered any issues as of yet in my day-to-day use.
> Thank you! I'm running SP1 32 and 64 bit for a couple of days now, too.
> But we all have different usage profiles so I appreciate to get this
> kind of feedback.
> If there's nothing else missing, I'm planning to release 1.7.8 on the
> weekend or early next week.
Also great here Vista 32...lots of ssh, sftp, ssh port forwarding.
Thanks for making it happen...

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