> I cannot chmod files I untarred into a folder and I cannot 
> chmod a file I create in cgwin myself.
> I understood that you could do this if the file system was NTFS. 
> The bottom line is I have an executable that is not executable.  In 
> addition to solving that though it might be nice to get a better 
> understanding.
> (snip)
> Any help or advice greatly appreciated for this newbie.

Just to get rid of the obvious possibilities, check to see who owns the 
directory you are in, and what permissions the directory has.  If you do not 
own the directory, or if you do not have permission to change files in the 
directory, even if the file permissions grant you access, you won't be able to 
make permission changes.

If you can create the file but you can't chmod it to executable status, there 
may be some issue with your overall user access rights.

Brian S. Wilson

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