On 01/31/2011 01:55 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
> In my case, I installed cygwin a few months ago and yesterday I went to
> upgrade it and install several packages.
> As it was going along it said that cygwin1.dll was busy so I pressed
> Continue and at the end it said a reboot was required.  And so I
> rebooted the machine.
> When I logged back in,  cygwin was not behaving correctly.  ls, find,
> cat, cp, maybe more commands were not functioning correctly.
> The was after upgrading to 1.7.7.  When I check cygcheck output it shows
> cygwin1.dll as 1.7.5. 
> If I try and run strace, it fails with an error about a missing symbol.
> There were also a number of errors showing for postinstall scripts.
> Where in this process did either I or the install go wrong?
> Regards,
> Gerry
Also, we have cygrunsrv operating services if that could have any
bearing on this.


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