On Jan 30 15:31, jdzstz - gmail dot com wrote:
> I have detected an issue in windows xp with socket SO_REUSEADDR when a
> tcp client keeps connected forever.
> I don't know if it is a cygwin bug or a problem with microsoft winsock
> implementation. I don't know if windows vista or windows 7 has the
> same behaviour.

Thanks for the testcase.

I was going to go to great lengths explaining how WinSock has a bug in
SO_REUSEADDR behaviour and how Cygwin has a nifty workaround for this,
but I got a bad feeling while writing my reply and started a cycle

  1. test
  2. read MSDN
  3. scratch head
  4. debug
  5. change
  6. goto 1

The Cygwin workaround to fix the WinSock SO_REUSEADDR behaviour from
back in 2006 was not so nifty after all.  I just fixed that in CVS.  I'm
going to generate a new developer snapshot right now.  Should be up in a
couple of minutes.


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