On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 09:25:17PM -0700, ERIC HO wrote:
>Using the cat or file command on a file, the output is readable.  But
>if I use vim or less command, the output is either unreadable or
>nothing displayed.  Not sure why the file output is readable from some
>commands and not others.  Any way I can use vim/less command to display
>this file readable?  Thanks.
>I'm running cygwin 1.7.7(0.230/5/3) 2010-08-31.

You're not giving us much to go on but, as a wild guess, I'd wager
that you don't have your TERM environment variable set to "cygwin".

If that's not it, then please take a gander at:


and resend your problem report with more info.


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