On 12/10/2010 8:22 PM, Lester Ingber wrote:
I have been having tcsh crashes for some time. I have tried the
latest snapshot of cygwin1.dll but that does not help. I attach the
output of my cygcheck-svr.txt.
The crashes typically output, in crash_output.txt.
A file tcsh.exe.stackdump is produced, attached as tcsh.exe.stackdump.txt.
(All files attached have .txt suffixes to get through cygwin email --
in fact they are text, but previous emails bounced anyway.)
I notice you have some local versions of Cygwin-provided software. Could
these be coming into play? Also, there is a mention of a conflict with
Logitech stuff. Perhaps you want to uninstall that and see if that makes
any difference. Are you saying that tcsh is crashing immediate when you
start it?
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
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