I have a fairy complicated SIPp scenario running in cygwin-1.7.7(0.230/5/3) on 
Windows XP which is losing a single UDP packet intermittently.  At this point I 
am fairly confident SIPp is not the culprit and that the packet is being 
dropped 'somewhere' between the sendto() call and wireshark / being transmitted 
to the interface. The same test case running on Linux (Fedora 9) works 

I have shown (via debugger and printf statements) that the missing packet is 
being transmitted via the sendto() system call with the appropriate message 
buffer, size and socket information and yet is not being placed on the wire.  
Indeed detailed analysis of SIPp execution shows that the sequence of steps 
within SIPp is identical in the working and failing case.  As a result I am now 
concerned that there may be something amiss with the UDP packet processing 
layer in cygwin.  Within the same SIPp scenario, it is always the same packet 
that is lost if one is lost, but the loss occurs only about 50% of the time it 
is executed.  The packet is a SIP 200 OK response which is supposed to be 
transmitted after the script has received (and ignored) ~45 UDP REGISTER 
messages spread out over ~3 minutes.  

I will explain the symptom in more detail a little further on in this e-mail.

Generally I am seeking information regarding:
1) Where can I download and install an older version of Cygwin (say 1.5 era) to 
test if the problem is newly introduced?
2) What tools are available to measure potential packet loss within cygwin 
itself? (the Windows stack is not reporting dropped UDP packets, and the 
packets are not even making it into a locally running instance of wireshark).  
Is there a way to dump / access / sniff the inputs and outputs to the cygwin IP 
stack?  Traffic volume is low so verbosity would not pose a problem.
3) Is there additional documentation regarding the cygwin IP translation layer? 
 I see in the release notes that various enhancements have been made recently, 
and I cannot help but worry that perhaps an obscure issue in this aggregation 
of packets for delivery to Windows is introducing a problem.  Is it possible to 
shut this off and simply force each packet to be delivered without additional 

Unfortunately the only steps to reproduce (that I am yet aware of) is a 50-step 
sequence of SIP signaling which would be difficult to detail sufficiently here. 
 I will cover some pertinent details below.

The Windows XP system is configured with several IPs associated with an 
interface.  Two parallel instances of SIPp are started, each associated with a 
different IP (but using the same MAC address).  SIPp is simulating two SIP 
proxies while a SIP device sends and receives traffic.  The traffic represented 
by the scenario is ~50 packets over 3 minutes (though the interface is in 
promiscuous mode).  I have included the scenario details below.  It is always 
the packet marked  '48  <---------- 200(11)' which is dropped, but dropping 
only happens about ½ the time.  At this point I am fairly confident SIPp is not 
the culprit and that the packet is being dropped 'somewhere' between sendto() 
and wireshark / the interface.

The code:
DEBUG("sendto(%d, buffer, %d, 0, %s:%hu [&=%p], %d)", 
socket->ss_fd, len, inet_ntoa( ((struct sockaddr_in*)dest)->sin_addr ), 
ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in*)dest)->sin_port), 
rc = sendto(socket->ss_fd, buffer, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)dest, 
DEBUG_OUT("return %d", rc);

Produces this debug output:
socket_write_primitive() in sipp.cpp:2484 - sendto(7, buffer, 491, 0, [&=0x6fc8b8], 16)
socket_write_primitive() in sipp.cpp:2492 - (Leaving) - return 491
and I have verified that the buffer contents are correct.  The packet, however, 
does not appear in wireshark or the network.

Milliseconds later SIPp executes the same code path to generate a SUBSCRIBE 
message (step 49 below) and this packet is transmitted.  

All suggestions will be much appreciated!
                                Messages  Retrans   Timeout   Unexpected-Msg
1  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(1 )                1         0                            
  <---------- SUBSCRIBE(2 )          1         0                            
  ----------> 200(2 )                1         0         0         0        
  ----------> NOTIFY(2 )             1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(2 )                1         0                            
  ----------> SUBSCRIBE(3 )          1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 202(3 )                1         0                            
  <---------- NOTIFY(3 )             1         0                            
10  ----------> 200(3 )                1         0         0         0        

  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(1 )                1         0                            
              [ NOP ]              
  ----------> NOTIFY(2 )             1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(2 )                1         0                            
              [ NOP ]              
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        

  <---------- 183(4 )                1         0                            
  ----------> NOTIFY(2 )             1         0         0         0        
20  <---------- 200(2 )                1         0                            
  <---------- 200(4 )                1         0                            
  ----------> ACK(4 )                1         0         0         0        
  ----------> NOTIFY(2 )             1         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(2 )                1         0                            
  [   2000ms] Pause              1                             0        
              [ NOP ]              
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
30  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        
  ----------> INVITE(4 )             1         0         0         0        

  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
40  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
41  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
42  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
43  ----------> REGISTER(1 )           1         0         0         0        
44  ----------> REGISTER(7 )           1         0         0         0        
45  ----------> REGISTER(7 )           1         0         0         0        
46  ----------> REGISTER(7 )           1         0         0         0        
47  ----------> REGISTER(11)           1         0         0         0        
48  <---------- 200(11)                1         0                            
49  <---------- SUBSCRIBE(12)          1         0                            
50  ----------> 200(12)                0         0         0         1        
  ----------> NOTIFY(12)             0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(12)                0         0                            
  ----------> SUBSCRIBE(13)          0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 202(13)                0         0                            
  <---------- NOTIFY(13)             0         0                            
  ----------> 200(13)                0         0         0         0        

  [   1000ms] Pause              0                             0        

              [ NOP ]              
  ----------> NOTIFY(12)             0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(12)                0         0                            
              [ NOP ]              
  ----------> INVITE(14)             0         0         0         0        

  <---------- 183(14)                0         0                            
  ----------> NOTIFY(12)             0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(12)                0         0                            
  <---------- 200(14)                0         0                            
  ----------> ACK(14)                0         0         0         0        
  ----------> NOTIFY(12)             0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(12)                0         0                            
  ----------> REGISTER(11)           0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(11)                0         0                            
  ----------> REGISTER(11)           0         0         0         0        
  <---------- 200(11)                0         0                            
------- Waiting for active calls to end. Press [q] again to force exit. -------

Best Regards,

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Documentation:         http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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