On 10/12/2010 17:15, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
> First, let me start with gratitude and a complement.  Overall, I
> LIKE that speed improvements in setup.  Thanks for all the work
> that went into it!
> Now, a bug report.
> This morning setup when into a loop while checking requisites.
> It was start by a batch file that called a windows shortcut with
> the following command line
>     C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin\setup.exe -R c:\cygwin -n -q -l h:\cygwin\arc

Thanks for the report.

There is a (pre-existing) bug in setup, which means in unattended mode it does
not correctly advance from the prerequisite checking stage when a required
dependency of an installed package is not installed.

I've only managed to trigger this using -M rather than -q (as that should
automatically select all dependencies?), but the missing dependency you
mention makes me think this is the same bug.

I do have a patch to address this, but I haven't had time recently to clean it
up and submit it.

> I then started it manually and clicked through the screens.  It worked
> OK except for stopping to ask permission needing to add something that
> was missing - I think that it was <libevtlog0>.
> Here is what it downloaded
>     _update-info-dir-00933-1
>     libevtlog0-0.2.12-1
>     libglpk0-4.45-1
> Since then I've run the shortcut again and it worked fine.  Of course,
> nothing needed to be updated.
> I've attached <setup.log full> and, in <setup.log.last3>, the last 3
> updates as listed in <setup.log>.  I apologize for not having thought
> to save <setup.log> before running setup again.

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