On 11/02/2010 02:49 PM, dan.colasci...@gmail.com wrote:
> +  rl_add_defun ("shell-forward-word", bash_forward_shellword, -1);
> +  rl_add_defun ("shell-backward-word", bash_backward_shellword, -1);
> +  rl_add_defun ("shell-kill-word", bash_kill_shellword, -1);
> +  rl_add_defun ("shell-backward-kill-word", bash_backward_kill_shellword, 
> -1);

Hmm, here, it probably makes more sense for me to bite the bullet and
port my cygwin-specific stuff from bash 3.2 into bash 4.1, rather than
trying to backport bash 4.1 stuff into my cygwin 3.2 build.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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