Cygwin 2.510.2.2  -   Bootstrapping inline module error in Win XP OS
in HP laptop which has Intel i5 64 bit processor.
I am facing an error in Cygwin, when I run Perl scripts which talks to DLL files

Laptop specification:

HP Elite book
Model – 8540W
Intel i5 64 bit processor

Software – Cygwin
Additional modules – Inline & Parse Rec descent.

My Perl installation in Cygwin is done properly, I am sure about that
(I ran some simple “hello world” kind of scripts & that is working
fine). I checked the installation of Inline & Parse Rec Descent it has
installed it properly. I checked this using “make test” script, I get
all the tests are passing in both Inline & Parse Rec descent.
Moreover, inline_test.pl is passing.

As per the error below it couldn’t load some the files at run time or
compiling stage, however, I checked it all the required files are
present in the _Inline folder. I don’t understand why it couldn’t load
it at run time or compile time….! I tried to delete the _inline folder
& re-run it. It creates the new _inline folder, however, it gives the
below error, no matter what..

This is the error.

Had problems bootstrapping Inline module 'Corelis_JTAG_6bd5'
Can't load '/cygdrive/c/test/_Inline/lib/auto/Corelis_JTAG_6bd5/Corelis_JTAG_6bd
5.dll' for module Corelis_JTAG_6bd5: No such file or directory at
/usr/lib/perl5 /5.8/cygwin/DynaLoader.pm line 230.
 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/Inline.pm line 500

 at Corelis_JTAG.pm line 25
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Corelis_JTAG.pm line 25.
Compilation failed in require at ./crm_bist.pl line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./crm_bist.pl line 33.

Moreover, the same Cygwin installation, Inline version, Parse Rec
descent is done the same way in other two IBM Desktops & one TOSHIBA
laptop. There is literally no difference between the scripts &
installation in other PC's. However, the new laptop I am trying is not
going through & it gives me the above error. But, in my IBM PC &
Toshiba laptop works fine. The new laptop which is not working is HP
Elite book 8540W with SATA SSD hard disk.

This leaves me to suspect two things.
1. The OS (Win XP) version or installation problem!!!!!! (The Win XP
in the desktop & laptop is about 5 years old version of Win XP - I
don't know what would help there to you to debug this..)
2. The hard disk in IBM desktop is IDE & the one in Toshiba laptop is
SATA2!!!!. The new laptop which is not working is HP Elite book 8540W
with SATA SSD hard disk. Does hard disk matters for Cygwin at all..

I tried swapping the hard disk & building a new OS, both of the
options didn’t help to resolve the issue. It looks like a simple
security issue which doesn’t allow me to load the required files
DLL’s. Google search didn’t give me any pointers, I absolutely have no
idea which one to tweak to resolve this.

Please help.


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