On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 18:13 -0400, Bill Hoffman wrote:
> Really this belongs on the CMake dev list.

In so much as this affects a Cygwin packages, it is perfectly on topic

> The new release I just posted is not really a new release of CMake, but 
> it is a new release for cygwin.  The current cmake that comes with 
> cygwin is 2.6.4 (very old).  The one I just uploaded was 2.8.2 (still 
> old but much newer.)  It has no changes at all.

How exactly is 2.8.2 old when it is the latest official release?

> We are currently working on 2.8.3, it has some of the patches you want, 
> but not all.  However, please work with me on the cmake dev list to come 
> up with a solution that won't break all of the projects I support (VTK, 
> ITK, and several others).

That may be the long term solution, but right now we need a working
cmake, and your 2.8.2-1 isn't it.  You want WIN32 defined on Cygwin, but
*we* do not.  As so far as the Cygwin distribution is concerned,
shouldn't the views of those who make the distribution take priority?

> I do not want to create a cygwin release that does not match the 
> upstream CMake.

Unfortunately we need you to do exactly that until upstream has been


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